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UCM Resita

afaceri UCM Resita present at FOREN 2010

During 13 - 17 of June 2010, in Neptun - Olimp Spa, it will take place the 10th Regional Forum of Energy - FOREN 2010, reference engineering and scientific nature event for all experts in energy field within the country and Europe. The topic of this year edition is "The energy and its major regional issues; Dialogue and cooperation".

The Regional Forum of Energy organized under the care of International Council of Energy (CME) every two years, is known to be the most important multi-energetic event in Central and East Europe, usually attracting more than 1.000 attendants.

The delegation of UCM group, attending this event, proposed two papers as discussion topics at the Round Table organized on this occasion, as follows:

  • "Micro hydro units with high energetic efficiency, low investment costs and optimal operation"- join paper of HYDRO ENGINEERING and UCM ENERGY.
  • "New solutions and technologies in development of hydro units fitted with Francis turbines of average capacity" - paper of UCM Reșița.
Jun 09, 10
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