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UCM Resita

Electric Machines

Field of activity

imageBeginning with 1922, the workshop for maintenance and repair of the existent electric machines in Uzinele de Fier si Domeniile Resita - Iron Works and Resita Domains (at that time UDR) started also the manufacture of new machines for third parties. This workshop became the first factory of electric machines in Romania.

Here were manufactured different types of three-phase AC motors, DC motors and dynamo, three phase generators for electric power stations, motors for trams, three phase motors for rolling mills, converter groups, transformers, etc.

During 1930-1932, U.C.M. Resita manufactured the first electric machines in welded structure, a pioneer's work in technique, and starting with 1952 respectively 1960 it manufactured also electric generators for steam turbines, respectively electric generators for hydraulic turbines.

U.C.M. Resita kept in its range of manufacture the electric machines of high power and the special ones, generally custom designed or in small scale.

Download the reference list with the rotary electric machines manufactured in UCM Reșița here, in .pdf form

Presently, U.C.M. Resita designs and manufactures:

Significant data:

U.C.M. Resita delivered over 1.5 millions kW electric motors.

Induction motors

Fields of application

Fields of application

Parameter range

masini electrice sincrone

Download the reference list with the most representative induction motors manufactured in UCM Reșița here, in .pdf form

Synchronous motors

domenii de utilizare a motoarelor sincrone

Parameter range

masini electrice sincrone

Download the reference list with the most representative synchronous motors manufactured in UCM Reșița here, in .pdf form

DC motors

domenii de utilizare a motoarelor de curent continuu

Parameter range

masini electrice de curent continuu

Download the reference list with the most representative DC motors manufactured in UCM Reșița here, in .pdf form

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