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UCM Resita
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UCM Resita and HYDRO ENGINEERING Present at the Trade Fair HYDRO 2010 in Lisbon

UCM Resita and HYDRO ENGINEERING attended as exhibitor to the ...

UCM Resita and HYDRO ENGINEERING were presented respects at Piatra Neamt on the occasion of "50 years of energy Bicaz - DIMITRIE LEONIDA Stejaru Hydro Power Plant"

Hidroelectrica S.A. Bucuresti and its branch Hidrocentrale "Bistrita" Piatra Neamt organized recently ...

UCM Resita registers a new success on Asian market

After several successful achievements in hydro power field on Asian continent,
UCM Resita at FOREN 2010

The 10th Regional Forum of Energy - FOREN 2010, reference engineering and ...

UCM Resita present at FOREN 2010

During 13 - 17 of June 2010, in Neptun - Olimp Spa, ...

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Reference lists

Here one can find and download reference lists grouped by product family. Not every list is complete; in some, we rather selected the significant projects only. In order to obtain complete reference lists please contact our Comercial Dept., Tel. +40 255 217111 int. 2150, + 40 255 207835; Fax. +40 255 207904; Mobile: +40 740 107966, e-mail: ipuichita@ucmr.ro

  • Reference list of hydro power units detailing the turbine, electric generator, governor, turbine intake valve. descarca
  • Reference list of representative turbines. descarca
  • Reference list of singular hydro power units with unit power below 5 MW
  • Reference list of low power standard hydro power units type FO and EOS
  • Reference list of MLU micro hydro power units
  • Reference list of representative hydro generators descarca
  • Reference list of representative valves descarca
  • Reference list of representative servomotors descarca
  • Reference list of rotary electric machines descarca
  • Reference list of representative induction motors descarca
  • Reference list of representative synchronous motors descarca
  • Reference list of representative DC motors descarca
  • Reference list of representative Diesel engines built under Sulzer license descarca
  • Reference list of representative Diesel engines built under ALCO license descarca
  • Reference list of representative Diesel engines built under MAN license descarca
  • Reference list of representative Diesel engines built under MAN B&W license descarca
  • Reference list of representative Diesel engines used for diesel power units descarca

Test stands

Tests and measurements stands within the Research dept. of UCM Resita, along with detailed description of measured means and parameters.descarca


UCM Resita holds in stock and offers for sale with immediate delivery several low and medium speed Diesel engines. Technical detail on tem in this PDF document. descarca

One may learn whether a certain part in our scope is currently on stock by downloading this MS Excel table. descarca