Quality - Enviroment - Occupational Health & Safety

UCM Resita S.A. has implemented and is operating with an integrated Quality - Environmental - Occupational Health & Safety Management System, in accordance with the reference code SR EN ISO 9001:2015, SR EN ISO 14001:2015 and SR ISO 45000:2018. The certificates for the Quality Management System, the Environmental Management System and the Occupational Health & Safety Management System are listed below:
Certificate for the Quality Management System, in accordance with SR EN ISO 9001:2015

Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance
Certificate no. 200999 – The Quality Management System certified by Lloyd's Register covers the following fields of activity:
- Design, manufacture, installation, servicing and repair of Diesel engines and spare parts and components.
- Management of design and development process, manufacture (including spare parts), assembling and service for: hydraulic turbines and ancillary equipment, hydraulic valve units, regulators and oil pressure stes, generators and electric equipments, electric motors, hydromechanical equipment, mechanical and electrical equipment for irrigation installations and pumping, air compressors.
- Design, development and manufacturing of welded metallic structures.
- Railway transport and logistics.
- Distribution of electric power.
Certificate for the Environmental Management System, in accordance with SR EN ISO 14001:2015
Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance
Certificate no. 10043899 - The Environmental Management System certified by Lloyd's Register covers the following field of activity:
- Activities including and associated with the design and development, manufacture (including spare parts), assembling and service of: hydraulic turbines and ancillary equipment, hydraulic valve units, regulators and oil pressure sets, power generators and electric equipment, electric motors, hydro-mechanical equipment, air compressor, Diesel engines.
- Distribution of electric power.
Certificate for the Occupational Health & Safety Management System, in accordance with SR ISO 45001:2018
Lloyd's Register Quality AssuranceCertificate no. 10407587 - Certificatul nr. 10407587
The Occupational Health & Safety Management System certified by Lloyd's Register covers the following field of activity:
- Activities including and associated with the design and development, manufacture (including spare parts), assembling and service of: hydraulic turbines and ancillary equipment, hydraulic valve units, regulators and oil pressure sets, power generators and electric equipment, electric motors, hydro-mechanical equipment, air compressor, Diesel engines.
- Design and manufacture of welded metallic structures.
- Distribution of electric power.
Environmental Policy
Declaration of UCM Resita President – The Environmental Policy, a matter of strategy and livelihood. See PDF file (in Romanian).
Certifications from prestigious organizations
European Welding Federation (EWF)
Certificate no. 018, rev. 1/2008, in accordance with EN ISO 3834-2, to perform welding operations, brazing and cutting of welded structures, pressure vessels, hydro energetic equipment, marine and railway Diesel engines.
Conformity certificate for factory production control 2028-CRP-359 in 20.04.2017 for structural use in construction, as per EN 1090-1:2009+A 1:2011.