UCM Resita Group - an experience of 237 years in the Romanian industry that leaves its mark on the local and regional development
The President & C.E.O. of UCM Resita Group, Adrian CHEBUTIU has recently held a press conference in which he laid down the financial results of the year 2007, the portfolio of orders as well as the new projects.
UCM Resita Group - economical development motor for Resita and Caras-Severin
The President & C.E.O. of UCM Resita Group, Adrian CHEBUTIU, has re-entered, during this conference, the conviction that the Group of Companies managed by him is and will remain the same motor for the economical development both for Resita City and Caras-Severin County. "The options that we have in view and suggest, represent a corporate responsibility taken by UCM Resita, having in mind the economical development and the increase of local budget", said Adrian CHEBUTIU.
"A real and immediate solution for the future of Resita City in the public-private partnerships that UCM Resita takes into account, in order to convince the young generation not to leave the city and to determine the investors not to avoid the city from Bārzava River", stated Adrian CHEBUTIU.
UCM Group includes 12 companies and the Sport Club UCM Resita, as follows: UCM Resita, UCM Turnate, UCM Energy, UCM Oxygaz, Hydro Engineering, Mibarom, Burgerom, euroMetal, GIA Security, Resita Reduction Gears, VeloCity, MultiFarm.
"UCM Resita has become a group of companies as our aspiration was to increase the proficiency of company activity, develop new business relations and optimize the present production flow" - explained Adrian CHEBUTIU.
The total revenues achieved in 2007 have reached the amount of 65 million Euros and the number of employees in the Group is of 3677, registered on the 1st of July 2008.
Related to the first moment of UCM Resita privatization, on January 2004, the net average income of an employee from UCM Resita has increased by 68% on June 2008.
UCM Resita parent company of UCM Group
The revenues achieved by the parent company, UCM Resita, have reached the total amount of 45 million Euros, the profit being of 1.25 million Euros. Within the portfolio of firm contracts signed and in progress at UCM Resita, having the completion period until 2011,there are orders that reach the amount of 110 million Euros and the due-date offers are summing 253 million Euros. UCM Resita S.A. succeeded to gain new foreign markets in France, Thailand, Laos, Kenya, Iran, Turkey, India and Vietnam keeping also the relationships established with its traditional business partners.
"Presently, the contracts concluded with Hidroelectrica represent only 48% of UCM Resita orders. The world-wide known character of our company was a decisive role in its development, the challenge for us is to find new outlets for UCM Resita products", said Adrian CHEBUTIU.
As concerns the investments performed in UCM Resita, they reached the amount of 20 million Euros within 2004 - 2008.
Resita Reduction Gears - a new beginning
UCM Resita Group took over the company Resita Renk Reduction Gears starting with 16th of June 2008, by purchasing the majority share package comprising 51% of the shares held by Renk AG Ausburg, becoming after taking over RESITA REDUCTION GEARS S.A. "The reduction gears are the necessary products in the past and still needed presently in UCM Resita. The newly established company is crossing a rather difficult period; however it will be brought on profit by the end of this year", stated the President of UCM Group. At taking over, company - Resita Reduction Gears S.A. still work 152 employees, gathering by 2007 losses of 1, 5 million Euros and during 2007 a loss of 125.000 Euros.
UCM Resita Group - Involved in the manufacture of buildings for employees and community
A major social issue in Resita for the last years is the lack of apartments; this leading besides the lack of investments and working places to the massive leaving of the young generation towards other cities in much advanced progress of economical development. In this respect, a novelty is represented by involvement in the near future of UCM Resita Group of Companies in the field of buildings manufacture. For the beginning, the buildings will be intended for the employees within the Group, after which they will be also provided to other applicants. "In Resita, the lack of apartments issue for the young generation is becoming more and more urgent, thing that starts to affect also us. That's why we are considering starting several buildings manufacturing works by the end of this year"concluded Adrian CHEBUTIU - President of UCM Group.
Press conference held by the President of UCM Resita Group, Adrian CHEBUTIU
2.07.2008, Resita