
intern Market – the daily most intense battle

UCM Resita operated before 1989 within a centralized system - the communist system, created and sized mainly for the needs of the entire country, with the purpose of providing energetic independence of Romania.

Few are the cases when there were concluded foreign contracts before 89 even those signed by UCM Resita through the agents at that time, as for example Foreign Trade Companies from Bucharest. In other words, UCM Resita didn’t interact directly with foreign market. After signing the privatization document, it was searched for formulae to escape of domestic market dependence – Hidroelectrica, a state owned company, at that time an unstable political state, thing that severely affected UCM Resita during 2007.

Consequently, throughout 2008, UCM Resita focused on foreign markets where it confirmed also in the past, such as the markets of India, Turkey, and answered to new challenges like the markets from Thailand, Iran or France.

The total of contracts signed by the end of 2008 is of about 78 de million Euros, and the total value of the contracts in progress today at UCM Resita is of 135 de million Euros, here we talk about contracts extending on longer time period.

To conclude, at UCM Resita, the production will continue at full capacity without any doubt, for the next two years and a half. Also in the future, the company will focus on the manufacture of power equipment.

Mar 09, 09